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We integrated a corporate governance with the objective of regulating the structure and operation of Murano Global Hospitality's governing bodies through a series of internal rules, principles and procedures.

We seek to establish relationships between management, the Board of Directors, shareholders and other stakeholders through value-generating practices.

Our governance

At Murano Global Hospitality we are strengthening our institutionalization process, so we have a solid corporate governance, composed with professionals with a long trajectory and extensive experience in the industry, in addition to being experts in financial and non-financial risks, in order to guarantee the profitability and sustainability of the business in the long term.

Board of Directors and Committees

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the connection between the highest governing body of the organization, which is the shareholders' meeting, and the management team. Therefore, for Murano Global Hospitality, the Board should be composed of between 5 and 12 members, previously approved by the shareholders; and at least 25% of them should be independent.

The Board of Directors is supported by three committees that promote a development characterized by operational synergy in the areas of development.

For more information, please visit the following link

Code of Ethics

Our code of ethics is the keystone of our daily actions. Murano Global Hospitality has established the following general compliance guidelines, based on our values and principles.

"To grow our investment portfolio and assets in an ethical, responsible and accountable manner to our stakeholders for our economic, environmental and social impacts".

With the publication and dissemination of our code of ethics, we seek to ensure that the principles and values promoted by the group are shared and transmitted to our executives and collaborators, and are known by partners, customers, guests, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, authorities, communities and those with whom we interact on a daily basis.